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Google Dynamic Retargeting for WooCommerce

Welcome To The Future!

Dynamic Remarketing has been around for a few years now. Thus it is a good time to look back at what we learned about dynamic remarketing over the past years, try to peek into the future development and update our article on it. Dynamic remarketing is a very fancy form of online marketing which data driven marketers just love.

Here is a nice example of how a dynamic ad looks like:


It looks quite simple, yes? But the fun thing about the ad is the selection of the displayed products. It is tailored to the visitors behaviour and interaction on a website he has visited before. If you ever have encountered such an ad then you know, the products that you see in the ad are the products that you’ve interacted with on the store. Cool, right?

But hey, those ads look very simple to a designers eyes, almost boring. I get that, and that’s where the data marketers point comes into play. If done right, this type of ad performs insanely well compared to other ad types when looking at the KPIs. For our clients we measured an average click-through-rate (CTR ) four times as high as for a common static ad. The conversion rates are also higher and the return-on-ad-spend (ROAS) beats every other type of campaign we know of. So, for every profit driven marketer and business, this type of ad is a must have in the campaign mix.

Some advertisers don’t like dynamic remarketing ads too much and worry about the image of their business on the online channels. And that is because some people perceive dynamic remarketing ads as too pushy. The ads follow you everywhere, and in some cases are displayed many times a day. Thus, some advertisers fear that potential clients might turn their backs to the brand because they feel haunted by such ads.

Again, from a performance marketer perspective those fears are mostly irrelevant, since those ads actually drive revenue at a low cost factor. Therefore the conclusion is: Even if some people are annoyed by those ads, they do work to generate revenue which usually is the top goal of every business. At the same time dynamic remarketing ads strengthen the brand as they are being shown to people who already have shown interest for the brand.


To get dynamic remarketing ads running there are some requirements that need to be met first. Our article is tailored around dynamic ads for the retail sector, for the e-commerce platform WooCommerce and specifically for AdWords. But the article does contain all the important bits which will help everyone understand how to set it up in their own custom environment. We won’t cover the setup for dynamic ads in Facebook in this article yet. Since the AdWords network usually yields higher revenues with dynamic remarketing ads our priority in this article is AdWords. Every marketer who is considering dynamic remarketing has to deploy this ad type in Facebook too, no question. Dynamic remarketing ads also perform fantastically in Facebook. Using AdWords any Facebook dynamic remarketing ads probably covers more than 90% of the relevant ad inventory out there which should satisfy most performance driven marketers.


  • An e-commerce shop (such as WooCommerce or Shopify)
  • A Google Merchant Center account
  • A plugin that generates a feed for the Google Merchant Center (such as the WooCommerce Google Product Feed Plugin)
  • An AdWords account which is linked to the Google Merchant Center
  • Collect visitor interactions through a dynamic remarketing pixel on the website

Properly setting up a Google Merchant Center account, uploading products and getting them approved is quite a big task for itself, which is why I won’t go into the details in this article. It can be technically challenging, and Google has very strict policies about which products get accepted. So take your time to find out if your products do have a chance to get approved before going through the hassle: Shopping Ads Policies

Our Plugin

After having the products loaded and approved into the Google Merchant Center account and connected the Google Merchant Center account to the AdWords account, there is one more thing you need to set up. For AdWords to know the interactions of a visitor on the website we need to collect that specific data. This is done by tagging the website with the dynamic remarketing pixel: Tag your website

And that is where our plugin comes into play. The WooCommerce AdWords Dynamic Remarketing Plugin makes it very easy to collect the relevant audience data on a WooCommerce e-commerce shop. Our goal was to make the plugin easy to install and very accurate while collecting data. More than 3’000 active installations and a constantly high rating of the plugin are proof that we nailed our goal quite well. Go ahead and have a look: WooCommerce AdWords Dynamic Remarketing Plugin

AdWords Campaign For Dynamic Remarketing

Now you’re only one step away of running your first campaign with dynamic remarketing ads. Google has a few nice and easy how-to articles and clips which help you to set up your campaign. Currently the information still shows how to do it in the old AdWords experience. I am sure they will update those guides soon. There are only a few diefferences in the new AdWords experience and essentially it’s the same process.

Good Luck

I hope this article gave you a good overview what dynamic remarketing ads are, what their value is and how to set them up. Leave a comment below if you have questions or want to add more information and share the article if you like it.

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